Campaign Total:
$841,643 Pledged by 142 Families
Congregational Meeting Video
“We are currently in the middle of the largest and fastest religious shift in the history of our country. In the last 25 years, 40 million people have effectively stopped going to church.
This decrease in church participation is larger and faster than the increase experienced in the first great awakening, second great awakening, and Billy Graham crusades combined.”
The Great Dechurching
Jim Davis & Michael Graham
What is our Reason for Hope?
God is Faithful
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow!

God's Past Faithfulness
Duane and Holly Cory planted Deer Creek Church out of Spanish River Church in Boca Raton, Florida.

Deer Creek Church broke ground on the new building at 8131 S. Pierce Street.

In 2019 Deer Creek Church planted Elevate Hope Centennial, followed by Christ Presbyterian Englewood in 2022, and Redeemer Golden in 2024.

God's Faithfulness at Deer Creek Today
In 2023-2024…
Over 120 new members joined Deer Creek
We administered over 30 baptisms
We averaged nearly 120 children in DCC Kids every week
We had over 50 Small Groups and over 400 group members
We launched our third Denver church plant in Golden with David Rapp
We hired two new church planters:
- Paul May (Aurora 2027)
- Merari Herrera (Federal Heights 2027 – the first Spanish-speaking Presbyterian congregation in Colorado)

We seek to be a resourcing church for the Denver Metro area.
In the next 10 years of ministry we want to:
- Continue to pursue congregational vitality.
- Plant 10 churches.
- Train future pastors for ministry.
In order to accomplish this vision, our elders have identified the following next steps:
Expand facility capacity and make important updates ($600,000)
- Increase seating capacity by 20%
- Increase parking capacity by 40%
- Add two additional kids ministry classrooms
- Increase coffee bar capacity.
- Make updates to lobby and worship space (AV improvements, paint, furniture, install stained glass)
- Security Updates (secure entry system, video cameras)
Launch minority church planting program ($100,000 seed fund)
- Hire minority church planters in conjunction with Denver Presbyterian Church.
- Merari Herrera – started Fall 2024 (in current budget).
- Projected Next Planters- Summer 2025, and Summer 2026
Launch pastoral training program ($75,000 seed fund)
- Recruit 2 pastoral residents for Deer Creek Church starting in 2025 (paid stipend and financial assistance with seminary)
- Launch Denver Metro Pastoral Residency Cohort (3-5 initial participants) with other PCA churches.
Fundraising Goal: $800,000
We are asking for gifts between October 2024 and March 2025 with pledges for these gifts turned in during October so we can plan ahead.
If you are participating, please make your pledge here:

Ways to Give
You can give online to Hope for Tomorrow from your checking account, savings accounts, debit card or credit card.
Click here to give now or select the “Give” button at the top of our web page and then select “Give Online”. Please designate the Hope for Tomorrow Campaign in the drop-down menu.
Drop cash or checks in the offering or giving boxes around the church, or mail your gift.
If you give by check, please write “Hope for Tomorrow” in the memo line.
You can donate stock holdings directly to Deer Creek. If you sell appreciated stock and donate the cash proceeds, you may be subject to long term capital gains taxes which can be up to 20% of the appreciated value. If you donate the stock directly to the church, you can avoid that tax altogether and make your gift go further!
Deer Creek Community Church
Account # 8012-7558
Tax ID: 58-1733126
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 982600
El Paso, TX 79998-2600
Donor-Advised Funds, or DAFs, allow donors to make charitable contributions to a public charity, receive an immediate tax deduction, and then recommend grants to other organizations like Deer Creek Church.
Are you subject to required minimum distributions from your IRA account? A qualified charitable distribution to Deer Creek Church can satisfy all or part of the amount of your required minimum distribution from your IRA, helping you to avoid income taxes on an otherwise taxable distribution.
We are also able to accept other non-cash gifts, such as real estate, business interests, personal property, restricted securities, estate gifts, retirement plans, and life insurance. We partner with other ministries like National Christian Foundation and the PCA Foundation which have the expertise to facilitate these unique and complex gifts.
Answers to Common Questions
There are three main reasons that our staff and elders believe that these projects are necessary:
1) We are running out of capacity in our facility. With recent growth we are running out of parking, children’s ministry classroom space, and seating in the sanctuary.
2) We want to continue to ensure that our facility remains an effective tool for ministry. Several spaces need updating (paint and furniture), we want to keep up with technological trends (cameras, sound, and video) and lean into our rooted identity as Christians (stained glass). We also need to improve our security.
3) We see an urgent need for the gospel in our community. This necessitates church planting and the training of the next generation of pastors.
We hope to have all of the facility projects finished by Easter 2025.
There are two main drawbacks to adding a third service. First, it would put a major strain on our staff. Adding a service doesn’t just add one hour on Sunday morning. It increases many of the their responsibilities by 50%. A new group of volunteers would need to be recruited in every area for the new service (kids ministry, welcome team, ushers, etc).
No, we believe that this campaign can be handled in house. Rather than spending around $40,000 for outside help, we want every dollar that is given to be invested in this effort.
If you give online through our website, make sure you designate the Hope for Tomorrow fund.
If you give by check, please write “Hope for Tomorrow” in the memo line.
If you give by an alternative method, please contact our Executive Pastor Tim Ringquist (tim@deercreekchurch.com) so that your gift is designated to the Hope for Tomorrow Campaign.
We are asking for donations between October 2024 and March 2025. You can begin giving at any time and in any frequency that best fits your situation (weekly, monthly, annually, one time, etc.). We are asking for pledges in October 2024 so we can plan accordingly.
Yes, you can create an online giving schedule with a weekly or monthly frequency. You can also process one-time gifts online as well.
You can view your commitment through the giving page on your donor profile. If you have questions or would like to edit your commitment, you can email our Executive Pastor, Tim Ringquist, at tim@deercreekchurch.com
Yes, all gifts to the campaign are tax deductible charitable contributions, and they will be included on your year-end giving statement.
We are able to accept many kinds of non-cash gifts, including stock donations, donor-advised fund grants, and qualified charitable distributions from an IRA account. We also partner with organizations like The PCA Foundation to facilitate complex gifts, such as donations of real estate, business interests, personal property, restricted securities, estate gifts, retirement plans, and life insurance. If you are interested in these alternative methods of giving, please contact our Executive Pastor, Tim Ringquist, at tim@deercreekchurch.com.
We are asking that you prayerfully consider giving to the Hope for Tomorrow campaign in addition to, not instead of, your regular tithes and contributions to our general fund.
Yes. This coming year we do not have a church plant scheduled to launch so we are taking a one year hiatus from the Christmas Gift tradition and focusing on this campaign.
Thank You
Thank you so much for being a part of Deer Creek Church and for your consideration of this campaign. We are grateful for you, and hopeful for the future!